Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thesis Statement + 12 Point Agenda

I believe in the possibility of healing through dancing with architecture that charges healing processes and accommodates dance practices.

12 POINTS AGENDA: dance, energy, expression, healing, health, strength, belief in self, sounds, emotion, light, hydration/dehydration (perspiration/urination), water

- Dance is an essence of life. Practicing dance in any form empowers, fills one with positive energy, allows to get rid of negative hidden emotions and simply makes one happy and appreciative of life.

- Dance is energy in expression. Energy has been associated with fire – a symbol for change. Once one decides that he or she is on the path for healing one realizes the cosmic dance of ever flowing and changing energy that is around. A dancer realizes that he or she is a mass of energized particles forever moving and changing. When dancing we also are aware of interaction that our bodies have with space and other people around us. Dance is filled with moments of constant realizations and understandings.

- Dance is evident though the expression of emotions. Whenever we move we express a certain emotion. Every word we say may express an emotion. In fact our lives comprise of layers of emotions. We constantly feel either ecstatic or in grief, vigilant or full of amazement, annoyed or apprehensive, joyous or sad, pensive or serene... Music expresses emotions through sounds. A dancer expresses him or herself with movements. Some dancers even incorporate their voices into the production which only adds to the effect of the performance. Some people decide to incorporate art practice into their performance. In whatever way one wants to express a personal internal world he or she may do so by the means of dance.

- Illness is a bunch of hidden emotions. By expressing your emotions you get rid of your deep internal problems. Pain allows one to know where the “knot” is hidden. Therapeutic healing by massage professionals is an essential part of healing. Having acupuncture done after massage too restores the balance of internal flow of energy. Also, after dancing a person’s body aches where oxygen together with other healing chemicals found in our blood is required. Breathing restores the flow of blood and allows clear out the paths that connect our body and brain. So when proper breathing techniques are taught to people undergoing healing the healing process accelerates as the person heals both in body and spirit. Additionally, the support of family members and friends is required when one is on a health adventure. Family provides the comfort. Friends are there to provide a remote support. I think that both family and friends of those who are healing are also in need of some sort of emotional response to the person they know is healing. A record of some sort is what other people need in order to help in a way they can. For example, for friends who are far away and regardless of the fact that they are physically far, they still want to respond. So a communication must be established in order for the person who is healing to receive that support which might just be a couple of words sent over the internet. So, I propose to also incorporate a communication centre into the Program of my thesis project. This centre will establish the network of health professionals who can help the person asking for help remotely. This centre must be designed using universal design principles.

- Some people are born healthy; some are born with a certain illness and some acquire health problems. Sometime a person even lives without an awareness of his or her physical impairment. Once one decides to live healthier way he or she tries to find ways to achieve that. With the building that I want to design I propose an inspirational institution that will support people on their healing or “healthying” paths.

- Building up the physical and mental strength of one person healing is important in order to make the healing path as painless and side-effect free as possible. That is why believing in oneself is the next point in my Agenda. Such practices as Yoga and Thai Chi provide movements that help one figure out which part of body and/or mind is in need for an immediate attention while the practice itself allows to simultaneously strengthen the entire being. Martial arts aim for peace of mind achieved by strengthening the body. In the facility that I want to provide for dance practices I intend to incorporate a space where Yoga, Thai Chi and Martial Arts can be practiced regardless of the time of day or night.

- One must believe in his or ability to get better physically as we realizing that we all do possess that power. Believing in self provides the base for future discoveries and possibilities with which come achievement and the build up of self-esteem.

- “Music comes to the rescue” (Jamie Lidell).
- Essential for my thesis project is sound dynamism. Acoustics are crucial to the success of live events and powerful musical and dance performances. For the audience to fully intake the experience an expression piece performed live the space must fulfill the requirements that adhere to proper sound wave distribution throughout the venue.

(See Point 2 of the Agenda)

- “To recognize beauty is to see light...” that fills darkness with beautiful reflections. In my project I want people’s energy become expressive by the means of Light. The warping of the environmental dimension by the presence of human beings must become evident. For example, I want to use human movement and haptic effect in order to vitalize and enliven the environment visually. To help may arrive interactive surfaces and materials for exterior and interior cladding as well as flooring and ceiling accommodations that respond to the interactions created by the people moving in space.

- Dehydration helps the body get rid of toxins. So, urination is substantial to healing. Drinking water gives you energy. That is why I want to design a substructural bioremedification system fused with the program of spaces in my thesis project.

- Water circulation on site (See Point 11 in the Agenda).
- Add a facility to CELEBRATE water.

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